W H Auden - (Новинки)

Selected Poems

Selected Poems

W H Auden

Год издания: 0
Жанр: Поэма

W.H.AUDEN ,Selected PoemsA NEW EDITION Edited by EDWARD MENDELSON VINTAGE BOOKS A Division of Random House New York Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Auden, Wystan Hugh, 1907-1973. Selected poems. I. Mendelson, Edward. PS3501.U55A17 1979 821.912 78-55719 ISBN 0-394-72506-9 Manufactured in the United States of America 98765432 NY-L0. PS 350 U55 17 Book design: Charlotte Staub MMVM UWVERSiTY kfSRABY 8 waH f La t jyH 141979 Contents Preface ix Who stands, the crux left of the ...
The Dyers Hand and Other Essays

The Dyers Hand and Other Essays

WH Auden
W H Auden

Год издания: 1990
Жанр: Поэзия, Эссе, очерк, этюд, набросок

TI IE 1 YERS HAND other essays W. IL AUDEN Raudom House New York THE DYERS HAND AND OTHER ESSAYS By W. H. Auden PP- poems another time the double man on this island journey to a war with Christopher Isherwood ascent of f-6 with Christopher Isherwood on the frontier with Christopher Isherwood letters from iceland with Louis MacNeicel for the time being the selected poetry of w. h. auden Modern Library the age of anxiety nones the enchafisd flood the magic flute with Chester Kallman the shield ...