Lacey Dearie - (Новинки)

Leger's Foe

Leger's Foe

Lacey Dearie
Lacey Dearie

Год издания: 2015
Жанр: Кошки, Детектив

LEGERS FOE BY LACEY DEARIE For the swans of Irvine Harbourside I thought one of the reasons we moved from Glasgow was to get away from all the crime, Annabella grumbled, rustling the newspaper she held in her hands with annoyance. She sat the paper on the kitchen table and pursed her lips, while Leger, her beloved black tomcat pounced onto her lap and gazed up at her with admiration in his amber eyes. Whats the matter her husband, Hugh asked. A man drowned in the loch yesterday, she advised. The ...

Ключевые слова: Главные герои кошки Говорящие кошки