Ursula K Le Guin - (Новинки)



Ursula K Le Guin

Год издания: 0
Жанр: Домашние животные, Кошки

CATWINGS by Ursula K Le Guin 1 Mrs Jane Tabby could not explain why all four of her children had wings. I suppose their father was a fly-by-night, a neighbor said, and laughed unpleasantly, sneaking round the dumpster. Maybe they have wings because I dreamed, before they were born, that I could fly away from this neighborhood, said Mrs. Jane Tabby. Thelma, your face is dirty wash it. Roger, stop hitting James. Harriet, when you purr, you should close your eyes part way and knead me with your ...

Ключевые слова: Главные герои кошки Говорящие кошки