Janet Cantrell - (Новинки)

Fat Cat At Large

Fat Cat At Large

Janet Cantrell
Janet Cantrell

Год издания: 2014
Жанр: Детектив, Кошки

A slight trespass... The wooden floor planks creaked as she tiptoed across the living room. Chase flinched with each footfall, her nape hairs prickling. No one appeared at the top of the stairs to her right, yelling at her to get out, so she kept going. She hoped Quincy was in the kitchen, where the food was. If not, she would have to think about exploring further. Quincy could be crouched inside an empty room, scared. For all his fierce bravado, he was a small animal, and vulnerable in so many ...

Ключевые слова: Главные герои кошки Обыкновенные кошки