Лучшие смешные рассказы / Best Funny Stories

Лучшие смешные рассказы  Best Funny Stories
Лучшие смешные рассказы / Best Funny Stories

ISBN: 978-5-17-104442-8
Год публикации: 2017
Авторская серия: Легко читаем по-английски(№1)
Ключевые слова: Pre Intermediate level адаптированный английский задания английскому языку лексический материал текстовый материал
Джером Клапка Джером


Юмористическая проза, Иностранные языки

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Джером К. Джером / Jerome K. Jerome
Лучшие смешные рассказы / Best Funny Stories
© Матвеев С. А., адаптация текста, коммент., упражнения и словарь
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Should Married Men Play Golf?
People know that we Englishmen attach too much importance to sport, it is well-known, indeed. One can wait: some day some English novelist[1] will write a book, showing the evil effects of over-indulgence in sport:[2] the ruined business, the ruined home, the slow but sure[3] destroying of the brain, which leads to foolishness.
I once heard of a young couple. They went for their honeymoon[4] to Scotland. The poor girl did not know he was a golfer (he won her heart when his shoulder was broken). They decided to make a tour. The second day the man went out for a walk. At dinner-time he noticed that it seemed a pretty place they had found, and suggested to stay there another day. The next morning after breakfast he borrowed a club from the hotel porter, and remarked that he would take a...