

Год публикации: 2022
Ключевые слова: historie Древняя Русь Самиздат


Историческая проза, Старинная литература, Древнерусская литература

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Julius Chance
For a couple of decades, scientists have been arguing with unprecedented passion about when Russia arose, the Slavic race and the Russian ethnos were formed. There are several main hypotheses at once with solid ground each. Some of them contradict, while others rather complement each other. Historians still cannot agree on a single opinion. However, most of them agree on one thing – millennia of the fascinating history of Russia have hitherto been hidden from the Russian people and many facts have been deliberately distorted. Let\'s look at the most common and well-reasoned of these hypotheses.
The first Russian chronicle \"The Tale of Bygone Years\" was written by the monk Nestor in 1110-1118 in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. The monk proceeded from both oral traditions passed down from generation to generation and historical written sources in the monastery itself, comparing and verifying them against each other. The monk narrated events from biblical times to...